October 1924 the Burtons and the Bagnanis
Gilbert Bagnani’s letters to his mother cease after his return [...]
The Return
Gilbert sailed back from Batum on a Turkish ship with [...]
War between Turkey and Russia? (cont.)
Gilbert speculated that Kemal’s secular reforms would so alienate Moslem [...]
War between Turkey and Russia?
It was from Batum in Georgia that Gilbert wrote “Turkey [...]
Batum, Georgia & oil
From Erzurum the road north through what had once been [...]
Armenia and Erzerum
Before the War, any Armenians who lived in ports and [...]
Soumela Monastery
A few miles south of Trebizond lay Soumela, the richest [...]
Trebizond, the Last Greek Empire
Gilbert’s friend William Miller was in the process of writing Trebizond, [...]
Several days after the end of the conference on Mosul [...]
Politicised Excavations in Constantinople
The French, British and Italian troops who, since November 1918, [...]
Constantinople “Embassy Set” 1924
Gilbert already knew the Italian Ambassador and his wife, who [...]
May 19 – June 5, 1924 Mosul conference & oil
Gilbert's sojourn in Constantinople coincided with the Conference on Mosul, [...]